Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Laughable ANSWER (version 3)

Dear Friend,

I've developed a "strategy" that shows you how make women sexual confident in the bedroom (but it's actually more than that).

And when I was done I realized that any guy could use this system simply because it's all about having a certain kind of "effect" on her...

Imagine this...

When a woman aggressively makes sexual advances on a certain man...

...it's because she was so turned on...

... her "animal Lust Brain" took over...

...And it's because he said something
(or done something) to have
a powerful affect on her

It's not Rocket Science

You already know this because she doesn't "sexually attack" every man she sees.

In fact, she is not this aggressive all of the time...

When good women attack, it's because the man did something - and then she went nuts.

Just like the show When Animals Attack...

The bear is calm and peaceful... until the human flashes his teeth in the direction of the bear!

And in this case, the woman targets the man that said something to have a powerful affect on her...

So let me get to the "laughable answer"...

Here's the real life story I promised to tell you about...

When I was in high school I almost lost my mind...

I thought I would be put in a crazy home..

...because all of the girls in school said [Barry] was ugly!

...but yet 60 - 70% of the girls in school slept with him!

At the time, my feeble brain didn't understand anything about "female psychology"

I didn't know that their brains was more emotionally complex

These "little lust demons" were craving sex like crazy
because of "an emotional trick" he was
doing accidentally...

I went into "mad scientist" obsessed mode and tried to figure out how to increase a woman's sexual confidence fast.

I was actually looking for something "new"

Do you want to know why?

Because I had the strange opportunity to talk to a group of women
who had fire intense sexual appetites...

These women were attractive... healthy...intelligent....physically fit...

But once you flipped the magic switch in their brains...

It didn't matter if it was an accident or not, they would first give you "the look"

..then these women would be all over you in no time! (like an aggressive bear)

Is it because they are "possessed" by sex demons?

Is if because they are robots programmed to attack men?

Is it because she is half-bear

No. No. No.

In fact, it's not that complicated.

When a woman wants a specific guy to screw her,
it's because he has had a "special affect on her"

I had the strange opportunity to talk to a group of women
who had fire intense sexual appetites...

And there was "one thing" that these women all had in common...

In fact I was remember clearly saying to one of them:

Do you realize some women act as if
they could care less whether they have sex...

She exploded into a violent laughter...

I said "what?"

She said "those women aren't broken, they just need sexual confidence"

That's when my eyes got wide
because the huge light bulb
went off over my head!

Oh but it gets better. LOL

Remember when I was telling you about the guy in high school...

...where the girls would actually say [Barry] is ugly - complete with "grossed out face"

...but then a week later, these girls would end up sleeping with him...

Well guess what my friend...

I actually asked him: "What's your secret?"

And that's when he gave me "The Laughable Answer"

Why is it laughable?

Because it didn't make sense back then...

And it still doesn't make any sense.

But, it logically explains his "strange power"

It logically explains something that has never been discussed by anyone!

So I created a system that combines the powers of "The Laughable Answer" with my "Never Before Revealed" System for installing Sexual Confidence...

This arms you with a logical mindstate that makes women go nuts PLUS it equips you with a killer 2 Prong Strategy for affecting her in a powerful way...

You'll end up instantly increasing her sexual confidence so that it's off the charts...

It's that simple.

If you want to get better at making women (or your female partner) horny as hell,you need to work on 2 things (and only 2 things)

1. Your Mind State
2. Your Strategies

I created a 24 page manual that features:

1. "The laughable answer" (based on what I learn from the guy in high school)
2. "the nympho confession" (a method to increase sexual confidence - because nymphos aren't "shy" in the bedroom)

When a woman has "sexual confidence" inside of her brain, a switch if flipped and she goes on a mission to "feed her desire" of sexual conquest. This should make sense.

For example, did you know that nymphos spend time thinking about how they will "fishing rod" a man back to their Love Nest?


It's simple:

  • You'll be able to "fish out" 2 hidden Psychological Power Buttons. These are her "secret" sexual drivers... (I've never shared this before!)
  • You'll start asking her a 7-15 questions, and then Presto! - You'll have her "sexual map" in 3 minutes flat...(Just for fun you can figure out the "sexual map" of female co-workers and female friends - without ever bringing up the topic of sex. SSSHHHH (Don't tell her that you are doing this) LOL
  • This is a system that shows you how to install "sexual confidence" in her (if she doesn't have sexual confidence don't waste your time trying to
    make her horny)
(This System should be available in March 2007)


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